Are you showcasing your company culture on social media?
Nearly every company, big or small, has a social media presence. Even the most unexpected enterprises can have an almost cultish following. Tired brands can be revitalized by, say, a savage Twitter account (looking at you, Wendy’s). So it’s no wonder social media has been embraced by companies hoping to cash in on the humanizing aspect of this medium.
Use these 5 ways to create authenticity and trustworthiness by showcasing your company culture on social media:
Highlight Your Employees
Who are best brand ambassadors of your company? Your employees! What better way to humanize a brand then to show them off? Create an employee campaign using a fun photo (or WFH selfie) and share quirky facts about them. For an internal employee engagement campaign, KO Digital created “Qlikkie of the Week” for client With a mix of quick facts and silly questions, employees got to know which of their team members were in a rock band, tried out for American Ninja Warrior and can swallow a cupcake whole. This same tactic can be applied to an external social media campaign where customers will see your awesome employees and employees receive a unique honor.
Inspire Charitable Work
Drive it home to your consumers that their business goes toward funding something greater. Partnering with a worthy cause or organization is a great way to do good in your community and showcase company values. Support a local cause by hosting an online fundraiser or drive with status updates via social media. Or if your company has a foundation, make sharing content a recurring feature on your social media with a branded hashtag. Something as simple as #KODigitalGivesBack or #KO4Kindness can help strengthen your brand as socially conscious and active. It also makes sourcing social media content a breeze!
Work from home means you can get creative! Challenge employees to post a photo doing a charitable act (park beautification, canned food donations, helping housebound neighbors) and the company will donate to a charity in their name.
Repost Employee Generated
Content You would hope that your employees are having a little fun at work, right? Well, so do your customers! Of course, work and play have a delicate balance, but nobody wants to support a company that has their employees working in a blank cubicle all day, bare halogen bulb flickering above their head. Show off your fun spirit! Maybe on Fridays your team takes a moment to play a team building game, or do a dance challenge, or once every few months have bring your dog to work day. Repost any fun office pics or vids for a boost in authenticity. After all, the difference between a fun testimonial from the boss and one from the employee is pretty huge.
Respond To Comments
Check in once or twice a week, depending on volume, and address the comments on your page. Like the positive comments, answer any and all questions. If you have a dreaded negative review or comment, do NOT delete or ignore it! You want to show your customers that you care they have a quality experience with you and your brand. Once you settle the issue, you can come out looking better than before. A prompt, respectful reply and solution to a negative review can be even more powerful than a single positive review.
Get Fun With Holidays
These fun and often silly holidays are made to celebrate on social media. A decade ago, World Emoji Day would illicit blank stares. However, that is an actual holiday that large corporations (NASA!) have celebrated on their social media pages. They are great to interact with your customers on a more personal basis. If you need further proof, just look at Nationwide Pet Insurance’s post for #NationalHamburgerDay. Life just doesn’t get much better than a dog in a hamburger costume.
Download my Social Media Holiday Calendar to help you get started.
At the end of the day, consumers use social media in a unique way when it comes to business accounts. Your consumers can not only speak directly to you, but to other consumers as well. And you can do the same! Breaking down the traditional barriers between consumer and producer allows you to give a deeper insight into your business practices, fostering that ever-important sense of authenticity and humanity.
So go ahead, brag about your best employees, download that social media holiday calendar, and show us what your company is all about!
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